Serv septic20180319 24812 1r9et0t
Whether repairing an existing system or starting from scratch, we can provide all your septic needs from perk test and design to complete installation. Our relationship with town officials due to our reputation and longevity helps to aid the sometimes tedious and difficult task of approval and inspection. We specialize in alternative wastewater treatment systems which can now be installed on properties previously thought to be lost causes. We install Singulaire, Presby, Geoflow, Bottomless Sand Filters just to name a few.


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An underground fuel tank no longer in use must be removed from a property before any sale. Challenges arise if the tank is leaking or rotting, which is hard to determine prior to excavation. From 10,000 gallon fuel tanks for the town of Southbridge to the 300 gallon tanks in many older homes, we have the expertise, equipment, and skilled employees to keep your costs low and make this potentially disastrous process go smoothly.



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Residential Home Building
We specialize in the complete construction of your dream home. Drive down any street in the area of Sturbridge, Southbridge, or Holland and you are bound to see a Soper built home. We can make it as extravagant or as modest as you like and you are guaranteed to be satisfied. No detail is too small — it's your house! We keep you involved every step of the way to make sure you fully understand and make the right decisions according to your vision.
View Our Homes Gallery


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Every commercial building has unique aspects and specific constraints and we have experienced them all. From medical facilities and chemical containment systems to lumberyards and schools, we have the knowledge and competent sub-contractors to complete almost any commercial project. The fact that almost all of our previous commercial customers have continued to use our services for all of their construction needs speaks for itself.


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Access to your commercial property means business for you or your commercial tenants — and that goes year-round. In snow season you can't produce if your snowplowing contractor isn't there when needed, overbooked or overwhelmed. Our customers have come to expect reliability and care for their needs and their property from all our year-round services, but none so immediately essential as snowploing is every time the flakes pile up. Looking for a contractor well-equipped and well thought of to serve your needs? Look no further.


A Title 5 Inspection is designed to ensure that your septic system is running efficiently, that it has been properly pumped and maintained and that there are no issues with regard to the construction or use of it.

A Title 5 Inspection is required for residential septic systems each and every time you sell your home.  Call the professionals here at Super Construction for more information or to schedule today!